Saturday, February 6, 2010

Vocaloid: Kagamine Rin & Len !

lately overly busy (FALSE!) to post ^^. but most of the reason is lazy and moodless ): . ok i'm pretty much a lazy bum for a girl ^^

Thursday (Did i post on this day ??)
lols, anw, bunch of tests ^^ AND I DIDN'T STUDY ! *claps*

another few more tests ^^ a maths still ok, tys questions came out, and some i really dk how to do de, all knew how to do or at least leave an answer there. so anw, thn got another test, which is chem. i didn't really study or what, just opened the txtbk and flip the pages~ and i left my file in school, so i forgot to study ... thn the cher ask who nvr study, thn i raise up my hand. stupid right? anw from the bad results i will get she will also know. anw, she asked me why i nvr study or whether i knew thr was a test in the 1st place. thn i gave the truth, im so honest :). thn she strted a small lecture -.-" nobody wanna listen to her talk anw.... thn test lor, in the end, idk how to do alot, HAHA! thn stayed back do noticeboard, paste paste tiger! me and lum paste 1 side, thn eudice and her friend paste the other side. the side i paste.... messy -.-" thn we do another layer, and ran out of glue. thn i chiong down to check whether anybody got glue/money to lend, thn i chiong up agn to ask 3-6 ppl whether they got glue not, thn eudice's friend lend me money and i bought water glue, cos the stickglue @ bookshop dry liao (lousy siol...)
thn finish abit 3/4 of the tiger and went home. went home my cousin & her bf @ my house. thn they say they going clementi, thn i say i wanna go, and became their lightbulb! (AGAIN :D) so we took the mrt to clementi, thn bus over to bishan junction 8, thn the bus halfway suddenly bo light, door cannot open, so we changed over to another bus and continued ^^.

nothing much~ only drawing whole day and i got a chibi tiger person o.o" weeeeeeeeee, so hard to draw stripes -.-"

which is today! agn still drawing, but this time is for v day, dk why lots of inspiration :P, thn draw while chatting with a-man-da! turns out im her top follower @ fb, im such a stalker xDD