Sunday, July 4, 2010

All hail blog, I will update you when I want to :D

Friday, February 12, 2010

I think i lost tons of friends....?

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Vocaloid: Kagamine Rin & Len !

lately overly busy (FALSE!) to post ^^. but most of the reason is lazy and moodless ): . ok i'm pretty much a lazy bum for a girl ^^

Thursday (Did i post on this day ??)
lols, anw, bunch of tests ^^ AND I DIDN'T STUDY ! *claps*

another few more tests ^^ a maths still ok, tys questions came out, and some i really dk how to do de, all knew how to do or at least leave an answer there. so anw, thn got another test, which is chem. i didn't really study or what, just opened the txtbk and flip the pages~ and i left my file in school, so i forgot to study ... thn the cher ask who nvr study, thn i raise up my hand. stupid right? anw from the bad results i will get she will also know. anw, she asked me why i nvr study or whether i knew thr was a test in the 1st place. thn i gave the truth, im so honest :). thn she strted a small lecture -.-" nobody wanna listen to her talk anw.... thn test lor, in the end, idk how to do alot, HAHA! thn stayed back do noticeboard, paste paste tiger! me and lum paste 1 side, thn eudice and her friend paste the other side. the side i paste.... messy -.-" thn we do another layer, and ran out of glue. thn i chiong down to check whether anybody got glue/money to lend, thn i chiong up agn to ask 3-6 ppl whether they got glue not, thn eudice's friend lend me money and i bought water glue, cos the stickglue @ bookshop dry liao (lousy siol...)
thn finish abit 3/4 of the tiger and went home. went home my cousin & her bf @ my house. thn they say they going clementi, thn i say i wanna go, and became their lightbulb! (AGAIN :D) so we took the mrt to clementi, thn bus over to bishan junction 8, thn the bus halfway suddenly bo light, door cannot open, so we changed over to another bus and continued ^^.

nothing much~ only drawing whole day and i got a chibi tiger person o.o" weeeeeeeeee, so hard to draw stripes -.-"

which is today! agn still drawing, but this time is for v day, dk why lots of inspiration :P, thn draw while chatting with a-man-da! turns out im her top follower @ fb, im such a stalker xDD


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Maple freako :D

Ahoyyye, wad bullshit language am i typing -.-"
anw, i feel so emo these few days :P, cos of some fucking asshole trying to ruin my life every single second. not that i hate that person, but that person just really have nothing better to do... however, due to the truckloads of hw&tests, i dun even have time to actually do anything abt it :P.
ok, i have loads of time ^^, but i spent it on MAPLE ! MAPLESSSSS, love maplestory~ but it took a huge amount of money away from me T.T

Monday, February 1, 2010

Pretty pretty clouds :3

clouds are pretty! pretty clouds give pretty atmosphere. ok idk wad rubbish am i typing... anw! today comes the laziness agn, slept until like idk wad time & heard my mother, at 1st i thought she was calling my bro, thn i slowly listen, until she strted scolding me. thn i realised, "ohhhh, so you calling me to wake up..." bodoh siol hahas~ soo, woke up thn do do hair, change change clothes, wear wear shoes, walk walk to school. (LOLS!)

1st period is pe, like omgosh lor~ i ended up in grp 3... AGAIN~ hahas, the results are always the same bcos i love walking during tests :3 , and now besides walking, i also have another habit, looking at clouds~ today i saw 1 which looked like snail from maple, the boss snail . i think it's called mano o.o" anw, thn amanda said it looks like a bunny. PYON PYON! bunnies are cute :P

2nd period chem, the cher sucks like hell. 1st of all, she dun teach well. just 1 chapter of seperation techniques, she can teach for dunno how many fcking periods. ok nvm, maybe is cos our class dun pay attention she needa stop halfway. 2nd of all, she is so damn boring. not only i say tht ok. when she talks, only the front row (maybe) are listening to her, the rest? all behind still thinking wtf she is saying. last of all, she really cannot understand our situation. we have loads of dang homework. and she expects us to finish her minor ws by TODAY AFTER SCHOOL. like c'mon la, so her meaning is asking us to not listen to those periods behind hers and just do her homework? ok maybe i can cos i take hcl, so i can finish it during cl class. but wad abt the others? they all have to still have to take cl right?

3rd period amaths. agn more corrections and yada yada~

then recess. fishball noodles + milooooooooooooooooo agn ! hearts for milo :3

after recess maths agn, they shld seriously rearrange the timetable man...

thn el, ms loke lost her voice, well maybe most of it~ and speaking of el, i almost forgot to do mj de research on his family x=

last period is chinese. chiong maths hw, and a happy bag :)

after sch i stayed back to do the noticeboard to modify and complete the tiger in front. i drew the paws, which didn't needed much modification :D thn after tht i chiong to yt point to meet my bro. he treat me cheese + fries (L) tyvm my brotha~ even though i have to sponser him onion rings frm bk -.-" thn went home ~


Sunday, January 31, 2010

Kimi ni Todoke Ep 16, not very nice...

yes its just a stupid flashback on the previous 15 eps, wasted my time!
today i'm slacking away with my comp on for abt like 10+ hrs? hahas, sooner or later it will kaboom! like my previous laptop x= ...
besides slacking awayyy , i also continued my drawing frm ytd, which is turning out abit ... anw! tmr gonna accompany adrea to unity sec for dentist! my bro studies thr, how funny~ anw , my bro's ringtone is strting to annoy me... henesys market.. even though its a nice tune, but it really can irritate some1...
k gonna do chem hw!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Currently listening to Planetarium - Ikimono Gakari

seriously it's a nice a song :D very relaxing, although i can't understand japanese~ and i really dk wad is a planetarium? ok faking... planetarium is a place whr you can see stars, basically is very relaxing place to just chill~ speaking of stars remind me of some people o.O.

anw i'm trying to draw maple chars! but they are complete failures T.T
this is the pic that jk made for me to draw (so yellow -.-)
and below is the pic i drew & deco-ed it until very ugly :P

and finally, inspiration given by xy's sketchbook (WEIRD RIGHT?!), i drew out this "princessy" character :D :

personally i named the pic RibbonPrincess. for this i just love the shining part ^^

ltr i will go on to watch kimi ni todoke ep 16 (so fast T.T) & shugo chara pt ep 17 (LOLS!) and then i will work on my nxt maple drawing, hope it turns out gooooooooood T.T

ja neeeeeee~