Sunday, January 31, 2010

Kimi ni Todoke Ep 16, not very nice...

yes its just a stupid flashback on the previous 15 eps, wasted my time!
today i'm slacking away with my comp on for abt like 10+ hrs? hahas, sooner or later it will kaboom! like my previous laptop x= ...
besides slacking awayyy , i also continued my drawing frm ytd, which is turning out abit ... anw! tmr gonna accompany adrea to unity sec for dentist! my bro studies thr, how funny~ anw , my bro's ringtone is strting to annoy me... henesys market.. even though its a nice tune, but it really can irritate some1...
k gonna do chem hw!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Currently listening to Planetarium - Ikimono Gakari

seriously it's a nice a song :D very relaxing, although i can't understand japanese~ and i really dk wad is a planetarium? ok faking... planetarium is a place whr you can see stars, basically is very relaxing place to just chill~ speaking of stars remind me of some people o.O.

anw i'm trying to draw maple chars! but they are complete failures T.T
this is the pic that jk made for me to draw (so yellow -.-)
and below is the pic i drew & deco-ed it until very ugly :P

and finally, inspiration given by xy's sketchbook (WEIRD RIGHT?!), i drew out this "princessy" character :D :

personally i named the pic RibbonPrincess. for this i just love the shining part ^^

ltr i will go on to watch kimi ni todoke ep 16 (so fast T.T) & shugo chara pt ep 17 (LOLS!) and then i will work on my nxt maple drawing, hope it turns out gooooooooood T.T

ja neeeeeee~

Friday, January 29, 2010

Perservere! Fighto! Blahblah!

today focusing on colouring ^^ yes i drew a character, the character was taken from maple, made by jk. he made it all yellow, like a banana~

today 1st period is fitness -.-" seriously ms tho really should not come out with TOO MANY lame actions. superman thn ultraman thn suddenly bugs bunny thn sailor moon. like tht insult japanese anime T.T
after that was geog, seriously damn boring.. why is it boring? COS I DIDN'T CHOOSE THIS COMB AT ALL!! my comb was history + art + poa T.T I WANNA LEARN ARTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT! like tht change my choice...
anw... after tht is beloved recess (L) lots of love for recess. SPAGHETTI & MILO ROCKS! oh yeh milo.... the sweet tasting drink that gave me stomach ache -.-" HAHAS!
after tht is the amaths. nothing much, except LOADS AND TONS OF HW!
and chem came and knock on 3-8 door~ chem is a damn scary subject seriously. you'll never know when 1 day suddenly you pour acid all over you and thn you panic and something happens.... ok stop the -ve scenario -.- and we did crystallisation! not very dangerous, but still splash out some of the solution or w/e you call it..
after sch, stayed back do noticeboard! then we modify the tiger in front, applause for shiok huey man! she drew so damn like a real tiger~~ i feel so useless ): LOLS, nahhhhh , i can pursue other interests~ and thn... i left lum's tb @ the tcher table, i feel my life getting a shock of the life @ monday ^^"

WANTING TO READ: KIMI NI TODOKE CHPT 30 (oh c'mon, how slow can it be...)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Emo is a virus that spreads rapidly among friends. if you're emo-ing, your friends will also slowly follow too.

so the moral of that sentence (LOLS?): never emo , always maintain +ve attitude!
but tht's all bullshit~ nobody, well at least not anybody i know, have never had a bad moment b4. i think i'm a total baka to think overly +ve, hahas~ but looking on the bright side makes you feel better abt the bad situation you're in now anw...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

ok i'm not working at all, duh~

currently watching: NARUTO (eng dub = sucks!)

YES NARUTO! an anime about a young boy who trained so damn hard in order to catch up with his emo but smart friend. in the end his friend betrayed the village and now the boy is on a quest to "retrieve" him back!
naruto is such a good friend :) , too bad that idiot doesn't cherish him -.-

today is sooooo boring cos it's test week *booyou*. and obviously i forgot to bring home something to study and lose concentration. so i'm aiming for at least a just-pass or almost-pass kind of marks :). after school is once agn ANOTHER lovely session of choir -.-. currently training for musical! needa train loads of muscles, HOHA!

today is such a tiring day .... NOT :P. i just do wad i always do, not pay attention & do my own things, then panic when the exams/test arrives, HAHA! oh yes, i'm such a great slacker :P

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

this is a blog.
i am typing.
you are reading.
i will close it one day (:

ahhhh bullshit :P
i'm blogging again! cos the day is boring, the sky is blueee & very obviously, i'm super duper bored. people who are bored usually type stupid stuff like wad i'm doing now :D.

that's all! kbyes~